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Hot Topics – Women’s Health

Group of ladiesLearn more about the topics we’re all talking about! Many of these helpful, informative articles by Dr. Kimberly Higney were inspired by questions from patients, friends, and family.

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Woman with Lotion Dry Skin? Dry Eyes? Dry Everything? – Is your purse filled with creams, moisturizing eye drops, and various lotions? Does your lip balm go wherever you do? Has your favorite moisturizer stopped working? Dryness is an itchy, flaky reality for many women, evidenced by the plethora of products we tote around to deal with it. Those products momentarily coat, but they never actually change dry skin.
Exercising Woman Exercise to Sculpt Your Brain (and Outsmart Cognitive Decline) – You’re retelling a juicy story to a dear friend and find yourself stuck trying to recall a word from deep in the recesses of your brain. It’s there — just out of reach. You both laugh about it, but your story doesn’t quite land. No big deal, right? Read more…
Exercising Woman Is Your Workout Giving You a Muffin Top? – It’s counterintuitive, but your exercise regimen could be sabotaging your fitness goals. If you have a cortisol problem, your workouts may very well be acting like Miracle-Gro for belly fat. This type of fat, known clinically as “central adiposity,” puts us at risk for diabetes and heart disease, and it is one of the first outward signs of hormone imbalance…
Exercising Woman Hot Workouts: Yay or Nay? – We all have different relationships with heat. Some of us live for 100-degree-plus sun-filled days; others not so much. But the addition of heat to workout classes, like yoga, Pilates, and even high-intensity interval training held in an infrared sauna, has found favor with a wide range of fitness seekers, adding a sweat-fueled element to already-grueling workouts….
Woman Brushing Hair Hormonal Hair Loss – It can be distressing when there are changes to our hair that we don’t choose. Not just the wily grays that can sneak up on us, alluding to the loss of youth, but more serious changes that broadcast health challenges and loss of vitality…
Moms having coffee Mother’s Day Hormone Health – Moms and daughters can be important allies when it comes to hormone health. Unfortunately, helpful health patterns in many families will remain undiscovered because we simply don’t think to ask the questions. Or perhaps we’re worried about bringing up potentially sensitive or embarrassing topics…
Owl Spring Detoxification – Arugula, dandelion, asparagus, artichoke, peas, and avocados are among the richest sources of chlorophyll, a molecule that binds with toxins like heavy metals and carries them out of the body…

More Women’s Health Articles
Depressed Man Winter Blues – The transition to winter affects our energy, sleep and moods. Even our DNA changes seasonally — activating over 5000 extra genes just in the winter to give our immune system a boost…
Wilting Flower Hormone Imbalance – As women, so many of us experience things like unexplained weight gain or fatigue, lackluster libido, and hair-trigger emotions, and we question ourselves. We think we’re making something out of nothing, or that we’re imagining things. The magic question; what can be done? A lot!…
Woman on Couch Hypothyroidism and Women – Having worked in women’s health care for more than two decades, it has become obvious to me that low-functioning thyroid (hypothyroidism), despite being very common, is sorely misunderstood…DOWNLOAD HERE »
Woman in Bed Night Sweats – It’s 3 a.m., your hair is sweat soaked, you’re flushed, and you’ve got one leg over the bedside cooling off as you will yourself back to sleep. You’re hot and bothered — and not in a good way…

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